Responsabilité sociétale et développement durable


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How home country industry associations influence MNE international CSR practices: Evidence from the Canadian mining industry

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Publication date: Available online 16 October 2017
Source:Journal of World Business

Author(s): Sean Buchanan, José Carlos Marques

We explore how national industry associations influence the international CSR practices of MNEs. Drawing from a longitudinal case study of the evolution of CSR in the Canadian mining industry, we show how the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) aimed to influence the CSR practices of its member firms operating outside of Canada. Our findings reveal how MAC utilized multiple strategies to influence member firms in both the regulative and normative realm. We uncover the key mechanisms underpinning these strategies and factors that constrained or enabled the degree of their influence. Our study contributes to research on home country influences on MNE CSR practices and research on industry associations as institutional actors.

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Multinational mining enterprises and artisanal small-scale miners: From confrontation to cooperation

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Publication date: Available online 16 October 2017
Source:Journal of World Business

Author(s): Natalia Yakovleva, Diego Alfonso Vazquez-Brust

In many developing countries, multinational enterprises (MNEs) in mining operate alongside fast-growing communities of informal artisanal, small-scale miners. This has led to direct conflict and competition for mineral resources. This paper introduces the Salience and Institutional Analysis and Design framework as a means to analyze the MNE strategies used to address informal miners across different governance levels in the gold mining sector of Ghana and discusses the implications of these strategies for sustainability. We identify the emergence of a cooperative strategy with informal miners as a sustainable alternative to the political strategy of reliance on the state to protect tenure.

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Internationalization as a driver of the corporate social performance of extractive industry firms

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Publication date: Available online 16 October 2017
Source:Journal of World Business

Author(s): Pavlos C. Symeou, Stelios Zyglidopoulos, Peter Williamson

In this paper, we investigate the impact of internationalization on the corporate social performance (CSP) of extractive industry firms (EIFs). We argue that internationalization positively impacts their CSP because, as they internationalize, they increasingly benefit from actions that help them enhance their social licenses to operate (SLOs) and hence have a greater need to increase both the overall social (SP) and environmental (EP) aspects of their CSP. We hypothesize that as EIFs internationalize, both their SP and EP grow; that SP grows more relative to EP; and that the level of development of EIFs’ home countries moderates these relationships.

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Seeding a Narrow Future and Harvesting an Exclusionary Past: The Contradictions and Future Scenarios of Agro-neoliberalism in Brazil

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Publication date: Available online 13 October 2017

Author(s): Antonio A.R. Ioris

The prospects of agro-neoliberalism in Brazil are analyzed through a critical reading of tendencies, techno-economic strategies and political disputes. Qualitative information, obtained in successive fieldwork campaigns, was used to assess trends and structure uncertainty. Empirical data also helped to describe three future scenarios that oscillate between the continuation of current agro-neoliberal trends (facilitated by the appropriation of sustainability and innovation agendas), the return of strong state interventions or the decline and eventual collapse of the agribusiness sector (due to sanitary risks or politico-economic reactions). The overall conclusion is that it is difficult to envisage the emergence of any radical alternative focused on agrarian justice or the production of basic food. Alternative developments would require a strong coordination of national and international social groups and political will to construct a different future for farmers, consumers and wider society.

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